Attacker You! 11

Attacker You! 11

Hello, everybody!

I hope you’re fine, because today I will release a new Attacker You! episode where You will face a hard time…

Just think about it: she skips the training to prepare a good-bye party for her seniors, but breaks her arm and Mr. Daimon learns about it…

And then, Daimon turns into a real demon, as you can see on the picture…

But it’s just the beginning; what follows is FAR WORSE!

And this sequence wasn’t cut when the episode was broadcast on La Cinq (but it will be the case on TF1): hitting a girl would be less shocking than boobs with nipples? Are you kidding me?

Well, now you see what you’ll have to bear…

This episode is available on:

As usual, I thank ersad sadiku for editing this episode.

Next month, a new project will rise, so stay in touch, please!

14 thoughts on “Attacker You! 11

  1. Looks like this is gonna be another classic episode! Thanks guys, you rock! I can’t imagine what’s “far worse”, but I’m sure I’ll be shocked, again. This anime has already managed to do so before.

    “hitting a girl would be less shocking than boobs with tits?”…..wait… boobs with tits?


      1. I see, but don’t you mean “boobs with nipples”, because as far as I know boobs and tits are the same thing.


  2. Hi guys thanks for another episode.
    If I may say so, please do not open to many project, otherwise we will have to wait for another episode with You for 3 months at least.




  3. I wasn’t trying to suppress your freedom. I just hate to see all projects stop half the way cause real life events hit. My record of waiting for single project to be finished is 12 years so the patience is here 🙂

    Stay cool.


  4. Don’t worry, I’m not mad. Of course, if I had to die tomorrow, I couldn’t do much anything about this.
    By the way, I sent to ersad episodes 12-13 for edit, maybe I will get them at the end of the month.


      1. Yes, I’ve found this interesting information at Polish wikipedia. Also other Janapese anime in Italy were censored, for example some episodes of Majokko Megu-chan (Little Meg the Witch Girl) were totally cut because they are full of dark side of the human life (suicides etc). Because of that we in Poland were unable to see all episodes because Polish TV Polonia 1 bought episodes from Italy. 😉


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